PTMS Wildcats,
As you are aware, our district has announced going virtual learning until Friday, January 15. Each student has been emailed their schedule. We have also emailed each parent/guardian a copy of their child's schedule. We encourage all of our Wildcats to be in a place that he/she can concentrate on their teacher and work. Students are expected to be at each live session. As a reminder, every teacher will have live office hours after each day of live instruction concludes. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the extra support/help. We have seen many students improve their assignment grades and overall grades for their class by using this time with their teacher. This week may be a short one so let's make the most of it! On behalf of all of the faculty at PTMS, we wish everyone a safe holiday and a Happy New Year! We look forward to continuing this journey together in 2021!
Pictures from around PTMS.....
Our Upcoming Week